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Bridging the Digital Divide through EdTech Capacity-building in Communities in India

This blog is jointly written by Kriti Mahtab and Pupul Lama, Associates at Pratham Digital (part of Pratham Education Foundation)

The original blog was published in UKFIET


As schools have re-opened, many believe that the disastrous effect of the pandemic on education is coming to an end. However, EdTech capacity building continues to be relevant for many children, like students facing significant learning loss after missing two years of schooling and those who will potentially not return to formal schooling at all. Efforts toward government and community capacity building are more important now than ever, to ensure that the progress made with digital interventions during the pandemic is leveraged effectively going forward. This is only possible through the collective and active involvement of the relevant stakeholders in establishing a robust digital infrastructure aiming for system-wide reform.

Read the full blog published in UKFIET- Bridging the Digital Divide through EdTech Capacity-building in Communities in India