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What India needs to improve its education system post-pandemic

Dr Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham Education Foundation, in conversation with Zubeda Hamid of The Hindu.

She unpacks the ASER 2022 findings, sharing her insights on the drop in learning levels and the policy landscape in India.

What can be done, post-pandemic, to help children catch up with their learning? Do we need better teacher training, bigger budgets and more resources? In our curriculum-heavy, board exam driven system, how can the country ensure no child is left behind in their school career?

Listen to the full podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1QRyZbK294QfOiAZVeDjWd?si=SuLOzKIkQWKw818TYQDsag&fbclid=IwAR1xm56PDv_Oy1mtMIkKN-PX1QQBiDD9LUIt3rprbD3z_MyQYoUorUOcGWo&nd=1