Dr Rukmini Banerji has co-written an article titled 'Children’s Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region: Critical Reflections on Participation, Education, Girls’ Rights and Child Marriage' published by The Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights.
Dr Banerji reflects on how Pratham pioneered a profoundly different approach to working toward the fulfilment of children’s education via the delivery of the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) and a teaching approach called Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL). She also explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's education and the need for immediate action to address the repercussions of school closures. Additionally, she mentions the positive outcome of increased parental engagement in children's education during the pandemic.
Find out more details here: https://ojs.library.carleton.ca/index.php/cjcr/article/view/4276