Pratham reaches over 6 million children and youth annually. Behind these figures, there exists a dedicated team of dedicated heroes – our foot soldiers. These individuals are driven by an unwavering commitment to Pratham's cause and mission. Our campaign #IAmPratham celebrates these heroes and showcases their stories, challenges, and their aspirations. As we celebrate Pratham's journey and work, let us applaud these heroes who make it all happen.

These Pratham heroes, often working behind the scenes, are the true architects of Pratham's success story. Their commitment extends beyond the boundaries of conventional challenges, navigating through the complex terrain of socio-economic disparities, educational inequalities, and geographic obstacles. In the heart of communities, urban slums, and rural villages, they stand as beacons of change, working tirelessly to ensure that learning doesn't stop. Through tailored interventions, innovative teaching methodologies, and community engagement, they form a cohesive network, each playing a pivotal part in ensuring Pratham's endeavours are reaching the last mile. While we showcase only a few of the stories, there are many others who are making a difference every day of their life.

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